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Holistic Assistance for Professionals

By learning how to consciously connect with the differently-abled children we serve, we can better help them reach their potential.

Workshops and 1:1 coaching for educators, therapists, and other practitioners are rooted in the belief that conscious connection will benefit not only the children we serve but also ourselves.

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Holistic Assistance for Professionals

By learning how to consciously connect with the differently-abled children we serve, we can better help them reach their potential.

Workshops and 1:1 coaching for educators, therapists, and other practitioners are rooted in the belief that conscious connection will benefit not only the children we serve but also ourselves.


Create a better learning environment for your pediatric clients. Learn how to create authentic connections and get better outcomes for the neurodivergent and differently-abled children you work with.

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Infuse your practice or classroom with a more conscious and holistic approach. Your staff or team will learn how to get better results with their pediatric clients.

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Through educational workshops designed to help you implement techniques and subtle, manageable shifts in your service delivery, you can learn how to consciously connect with your differently-abled clients.

If youā€™re ready to use connection and attunement as a compass in your sessions, if you define success according to your clients' joy and self-expression rather than the one-size-fits-all approach, book a consultation call to learn more.


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Learn how to support, uplift, and celebrate the gifts of differently-abled children in a classroom setting. Assist them as they teach neurotypical children to become more resilient and authentic.Ā 

These workshops and training sequences are created to meet your unique needs and are designed to create safety and support differentlyā€“abled children in the classroom and beyond.Ā 

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