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About Christine L’Abbé’s Education-Based Services

Helping differently-abled children and their families thrive

As a mother to a child with Rett syndrome, I fiercely advocate for families of children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, and/or complex health needs. Leaning on my personal experience, concepts learned and applied with the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, and Conscious Parenting Coaching theories and techniques, I help you consciously connect with the children in your life. By using this holistic family approach, focused on possibilities available to each child, rather than limitations and outdated belief systems, you can more easily unlock the potential within you both. 

As you learn to know yourself and understand the power of your own inner expansion and clear intention, you'll become empowered to be the best possible aid for your children.

About Christine L’Abbé’s Education-Based Services

Helping differently-abled children and their families thrive

As a mother to a child with Rett syndrome, I fiercely advocate for families of children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, and/or complex health needs. Leaning on my personal experience, concepts learned and applied with the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, and Conscious Parenting Coaching theories and techniques, I help you consciously connect with the children in your life. By using this holistic family approach, focused on possibilities available to each child, rather than limitations and outdated belief systems, you can more easily unlock the potential within you both. 

As you learn to know yourself and understand the power of your own inner expansion and clear intention, you'll become empowered to be the best possible aid for your children.

As seen on

Among other media, podcasts, and conferences.


As a parent to a neurodivergent child with high needs, I want you to know that I understand you. I see you.

Gabriela, my youngest daughter, was born with Rett Syndrome—a rare genetic neurological and developmental disorder affecting how the brain develops. This causes a progressive loss of motor skills and language. 

Her birth, the events that followed, and her two near death experiences, set me on a path of deep transformation and growth. After much reflection and personal healing, I came to realize that Gabi’s arrival was the greatest gift our family has experienced, permanently changing our view and understanding of ourselves and the meaning of life.

If you’ve found the traditional Western model for care of neurodiverse children to be deficit-based and hierarchical, you’re not alone. Western care tends to be structured around limitations rather than possibilities. 

It’s assumed the professional is best equipped to evaluate and mandate treatments for your children unilaterally, or with minimal input from either you or your child. 

This approach stood in opposition to what I knew to be true — Gabi's soul is perfectly intact.

This disconnect between the Western medical system and my own beliefs has driven me to explore multiple alternative healing modalities for myself and my children. Working in partnership with a range of alternative practitioners, therapists, and coaches, I’ve witnessed Gabi’s sense of self and well-being and my own capacity to support her expand exponentially. Through this work, I learned the tools to support my older daughter, Juliana. 

I use my experience, education learned along the way, and years of work with children and families to help you and your family achieve better outcomes. I understand that families are an ecosystem and each member’s healing is equally important.

In 2018, I co-founded Evolve Movement, a collective of conscious professionals from across North America in service of families with differently-abled children. Our work is bringing to life an alternative model of care called Integrated, Conscious and Holistic Family Healing. As part of the Evolve team, I support children as a certified Pediatric Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) NeuroMovement® practitioner, offer conscious parenting coaching services for parents and caregivers, and teach professionals in service to neurodivergent children how to consciously connect with kids for optimal outcomes.

I also speak publicly to raise awareness about what it means to truly show up for our differently-abled children, regardless of whether we are in the home, in therapy, or in the school system.

In 2022, I published a children's book entitled, OUR SUPERPOWERS: Celebrating Differently-Abled Kids and Their Siblings. In this book, young readers are guided on a journey to the natural beauty of Calabogie Ranch, home of Rose, a wild horse. There, sisters Juliana and Gabi re-discover and celebrate their unique superpowers. 

My guiding light is the perfection I see in every differently-abled child I meet. I want everyone in your family and in service to your child to receive the support needed to heal, grow, and connect.

Together, we can foster the healthy development of our children.


  • Certified Conscious Parenting Coach, Conscious Parenting Method™ Certification Program - Conscious Coaching Institute
  • Certified Anat Baniel Method® (ABM) NeuroMovement® Practitioner basic training, for Children, for Anti-Aging and Vitality, and for High Performance - The Anat Baniel Method® International of NeuroMovement®
  • Certified Transformational Movement Lesson Instructor - The Anat Baniel Method® International of NeuroMovement®
  • NeuroMovement® Coach (Level A) - The Anat Baniel Method® International of NeuroMovement®
  • Certified Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness Coach for Special Needs Children - Angeli Yoga Teaching Academy 
  • Psycho-Bio Acupressure practitioner (Level 1) - Institute Delatte
  • Certified Teacher of Presence - The Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening
  • Certified Reiki Master - Usui Reiki
  • Undergraduate Degree - University of Ottawa
  • Graduate Degree - Polimoda

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