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Holistic healing & expanded awareness

for families and professionals in service of children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, or complex health needs

Your child or a child you’re in service to has received a diagnosis, what now? Start showing up authentically with clear intention and create an optimal learning environment for a child to thrive.

Learn how to consciously connect with the children you serve and become empowered to guide them toward aligned outcomes.

Education-based services for practitioners, parents, and children.

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Holistic healing & expanded awareness

for families and professionals in service of children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, or complex health needs

Your child or a child you’re in service to has received a diagnosis, what now? Start showing up authentically with clear intention and create an optimal learning environment for a child to thrive.

Learn how to consciously connect with the children you serve and become empowered to guide them toward aligned outcomes.

Education-based services for practitioners, parents, and children.

Book a free consultation

Here's how I can be of service to you:

Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® for Children

Certified in the Anat Baniel Method® of NeuroMovement®, neurodiverse children are guided through gentle movement lessons that rewire the brain to improve it's learning potency and awaken its capacity to create new neural pathways and possibilities.

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Coaching for Parents

Through Conscious Parenting Coaching, parents and caregivers learn the skills necessary to heal, grow, and thrive alongside their children. Get 1:1 coaching services to learn how to consciously connect with the children in your life. Workshops are available for groups of parents and families.

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Coaching for Professionals

Educational Workshops, speaking engagements, and 1:1 coaching for professionals in service of neurodiverse children and their families. Professionals learn how to create support programs for parents and how to create an optimal learning environment for the children they serve. Everyone will learn how to better connect to, and align with, children who have a variety of needs and abilities. 

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Founder of Evolve Movement

Evolve Movement is an educational platform that aims to empower and support parents through the stages of caring for a child with a neurodiversity or high needs, while creating community for parents to connect with other like-minded families. We are a team of integrative, conscious, and holistic professionals who share a mission to birth a new model for serving and supporting parents and children so the whole family can thrive.

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Become inspired and empowered with transformational and revolutionary perspectives for advocating for an optimal learning environment created for conscious connection and support that is most aligned with a neurodiverse child’s needs and innate learning potential.

Together let's grow a collective of fierce advocates for change for our kids to be seen, heard, valued, and celebrated exactly as they are, all the while being supported in a way that is aligned with their soul’s intent.

Get ready to move beyond the diagnosis and unleash a new realm of possibilities for you and your child!

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Hi, I'm Christine

A fierce advocate for families of divergent children and proud mom to two girls, Juliana and Gabriela, diagnosed with Rett syndrome. My mission is to guide families and professionals to move past the illusion of perfection towards authenticity and alignment. A path that empowers families to create an optimal learning environment for a child to truly step into their innate potential.

About me


Celebrating Differently-Abled Kids and Their Siblings

Have you ever wondered how to talk to your children about interacting with differently-abled kids?

Interacting consciously with differently-abled children in our community presents a beautiful opportunity to expand our pathways for connection by learning new forms of communication.

In this book, young readers are guided on a journey to the natural beauty of Calabogie Ranch, home of Rose, a wild horse. There, sisters Juliana and Gabi re-discover and celebrate their unique superpowers. 

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